A German Celebrity Chef Faces Potential Charges Over Anti-Semitic Social Media Rants

According to a report by the Algemeiner, German celebrity chef Attila Hildmann, the author of best-selling vegan cookbooks, is being investigated by Berlin police after posting a series of anti-Semitic messages on social media.

A spokesperson for Berlin Police told news outlets that social media posts over the last month by Hildmann, who frequently appears on German TV, were being examined for their hateful content.

Hiddlman’s social media posts have attacked Jews and “Zionists” labeling them as “parasites” and “subhumans.” Many of his comments echo far-right, and neo-Nazi anti-Semitic themes such as spreading the claim that a “Jewish tribe of Zionists” sought to destroy Germany after World War I with financial reparations.

Hildmann has also suggested that the Holocaust was financed by “Zionists,” and that Adolf Hitler was a “blessing” when compared with Germany’s current Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Hildmann also accused Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, the Rothschild banking dynasty and George Soros of planning a “global genocide”.

In addition to facing potential criminal charges, Hildmann is also facing the prospect of losing sponsorship deals from his social media accounts. A music portal and an energy drink brand announced that they would no longer work with him. More companies are also expected drop the chef as a celebrity endorser.

Read More: https://bit.ly/2YpEIkJ

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