Anti-Semitic Bumper Sticker Linking Jews to Coronavirus Found in Hamburg
An anti-Semitic bumper sticker linking Jews to the coronavirus pandemic was found on a subway car in Hamburg Germany, the Research and Information Center for Anti-Semitism (RIAS) reported on its Facebook page.
The sticker which eerily resembles a yellow star of David, Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust, was seen with a superimposed biohazard symbol on it. The anti-Semitic gesture was found pasted to a window on a subway car in the northern German city last week.
“The sticker compared with the Holocaust by comparing state measures against Covid19 sufferers with the Nazi extermination policy,” RIAS said.
Two stickers in total were uncovered on the subway car – one containing a yellow heart with the text “I bio-hazard CORONA.” The second sticker was in the shape of a star of David in yellow with the inscription “Coronavirus Infected !!” and in the middle contained the symbol for biohazard.
RIAS reported that similar symbols can now be seen widely in Facebook groups where “conspiracy theorists” claim to be persecuted groups like the Jews were under Nazism.
According to RIAS: “The shape and color of one of the stickers thus openly alludes to the so-called ‘Jewish star,’ a compulsory identifier that Jews had to wear in Nazi Germany… the use of the symbol leads to a trivialization of the Holocaust, and the users also stage themselves as victims of a mass crime.”
RIAS said similar symbols are now found in Facebook groups where anti-Semitic and Coronavirus conspiracy theorists are portraying themselves as a persecuted group like the Jews were under Nazism.
Recently, RIAS has developed a reporting system for anti-Semitic incidents in Berlin in cooperation with Jewish and non-Jewish organizations. The reporting system has facilitated statistics and independent research which help monitor anti-Semitic trends throughout the German capital.
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