The brick thrown through the window of a Chabad center in Pensacola, Florida.

Brick Covered With Swastikas, Antisemitic Hate Messages, Thrown Through Window of Pensacola Chabad Center

A brick covered with antisemitic messages was hurled through the window of a Chabad center in the Florida Panhandle city of Pensacola last week.

Nazi swastikas, as well as the words “No Jews” and “WLM” (standing for “White Lives Matter”), were drawn on the brick, which was thrown toward two visiting rabbis who were making dinner in the building’s kitchen, the Pensacola News Journal reported.

The perpetrator was seen fleeing toward a nearby parked vehicle.

The Pensacola Police Department was notified, and an investigation has been launched into the incident.

“The Chabad Jewish Center is a place of kindness and unity and is aimed at increasing light and positivity throughout Pensacola,” Rabbi Mendel and Nechama Danow, directors of Chabad of Pensacola, stated. “This troubling incident only underscores once more that while the work of spreading light and kindness is making strides, still much more needs to be done so that darkness is banished entirely.”


Watch a WEAR Channel 3 News report on the incident, including security camera images, here:

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