Catalan TV Commentator Goes on Antisemitic Tirade Against Pair of Israeli Olympic Swimmers

A commentator for the Catalan TV3 station went on a vile antisemitic tirade earlier this month as two Israeli swimmers awaited the results of their final Olympic qualifying round.

“Beyond the technical aspects, I would like to point out that Israel’s international presence in the field of sport and culture is another strategy for the laundering of genocide and the violation of human rights that they are committing against the Palestinian people,” the commentator, Clara Basiana, said as she covered the June 10th event in Barcelona.

“We have seen it here, at the Pre-Olympic Games in Barcelona, we have seen it repeatedly at Eurovision,” Basiana added. “It seems that during these events the war crimes of the Israeli state disappear. We have to be aware as spectators and make this situation visible so as not to normalize it.”

View the broadcast (translated and first publicized by the pro-Israel Spanish group ACOM) below:

Eden Blecher and Shelly Bobritzky will represent Israel at the Tokyo Olympics this summer, competing in the artistic duet swimming category.

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