The supply collection and distribution center at Skylake Synagogue, in North Miami Beach, Florida.

‘I’ve Never Seen Such Solidarity and Unity’: Miami Area Rabbi Hails Interfaith Response to Condo Disaster

Following the deadly condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida, last week, people of all faiths from the area are coming together to try to alleviate some of the suffering.

Rabbi Ariel Yeshurun, for example, has opened the doors of the Skylake Synagogue, located in North Miami Beach, to provide aid to those affected by the disaster, mainly by collecting and distributing supplies such as blankets, food, water bottles, and toys.

“Everyone is helping, donating, extending themselves in ways I cannot believe. I’ve never seen such solidarity and unity,” Rabbi Yeshurun said.

“It brought me to tears to see everyone working together,” the rabbi added. “They’re all coming here — men, women, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, African Americans, Hispanics, and no one is asking about anyone else’s religion or party affiliation. We’re just seeing an incredible outpouring of compassion and a desire to help.”

“These past few days we’ve shown the world that we can let all our differences give way to brotherhood and love and this is a tribute to the greatness of this Miami community,” he noted.

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