Neo-Nazi demonstrators are seen outside the Walt Disney World Resort, in Orlando, Florida, June 10, 2023.

Neo-Nazis Wave Swastika Flags Outside Disney World in Orlando, Florida

A group of neo-Nazi demonstrators waved swastika flags outside the entrance to the Walt Disney World Resort, in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday.

A similar occurrence took place at the same location last May. In response to that incident, the Florida Holocaust Museum issued a statement, saying, “It’s a sad day for humanity when even Disney World — the ‘happiest place on earth’ — is not immune to blatant antisemitism.”

“Displays of Nazi imagery are repugnant, and this demonstration was clearly meant to offend and provoke,” it continued. “No family should be confronted with threatening symbols of hate, least of all on vacation.”

It further urged Florida officials to “come together and speak with one voice in opposition to those who support Nazis and their poisonous ideology.”

Last August, neo-Nazi demonstrators carried swastika flags and antisemitic posters outside the Tampa Convention Center.

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