Register – Dismantling Anti-Semitism: Jews Talk Justice

On December 16th at 4:00 PM EST the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM), in partnership with The Tel Aviv Institute, will host an important discussion to set the record straight. This empowering program entitled, Dismantling Anti-Semitism: Jews Talk Justice, will provide an accurate account of anti-Semitism in the progressive and political spheres by amplifying the voices of actual Jewish leaders.

Recently, a coalition of progressive groups announced that they will be hosting a panel entitled, “Dismantling anti-Semitism, Winning Justice,” headlined by individuals who have themselves perpetuated anti-Semitism including Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Marc Lamont Hill.

Today, Jews face a barrage of hateful rhetoric and increased violence. As contemporary forms of anti-Semitism spread across the ideological spectrum, certain progressive movements have stoked anti-Semitism and are trying to evade accountability by redefining the term.

In response, this event will address the right of Jews to define oppression against them, by a diverse panel of activists who do not distinguish between combating all forms of anti-Semitism and fighting for other minority rights.

This enlightening event will illustrate the harm that is caused by anti-Semites who highlight only fringe Jewish voices while ignoring mainstream Jewish experiences of discrimination. These so-called progressives try to deflect accountability by redefining anti-Semitism rather than doing the necessary work to fight it – further perpetuating anti-Semitism.

As Jews are increasingly pushed out of progressive spaces, we urge all who wish to promote civil rights to join us for an inspiring conversation with progressive Jewish leaders who are committed to pursuing social justice and dismantling anti-Semitism, not distorting its definition.

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