One of the antisemitic flyers that was distributed across the U.S. this weekend.

Supporters of Neo-Nazi Group Leave Antisemitic Leaflets Outside Homes In at Least Nine U.S. States Over Weekend

Antisemitic leaflets were left outside homes in at least nine states across the U.S. this weekend.

The leaflets — which propagated conspiracy theories blaming Jews for the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, among other claims — were distributed by supporters of the Goyim Defense League (GDL), a neo-Nazi group.

Leaflets were found at residences in California, Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Alabama, Illinois, Vermont, North Carolina, and Florida.

The same group has been responsible for a number of similar provocative stunts this year in American cities, including a series of incidents across the southwestern U.S. that included the unfurling of a “Vax the Jews” banner on a highway overpass in Austin, Texas.

An antisemitic banner is seen hanging on a highway overpass in Austin, Texas, October 2021.


According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the leafletting over the weekend was initiated by a Dec. 18th video challenge issued by Goyim Defense League leader Jon Minadeo on Telegram.

“Whoever gets on the news gets 100 bucks in the GoyimTV shop,” Minadeo promised.

Many of the leaflets included the statements, “Every single aspect of the Covid agenda is Jewish,” and, “Antifa is a Jewish militia.”

One of the cities targeted this weekend was Greensboro, North Carolina. Reacting to the leafletting there, local Congresswoman Kathy Manning (NC-6) said, “I am appalled by the antisemitic flyers that were distributed across Greensboro this morning in driveways and on porches, causing great distress to many people who reached out to me with concerns. These flyers spread hatred and false information about the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m urging local law enforcement to do everything they can to bring the culprits to justice.”

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic nearly two years ago, antisemitic conspiracy theories blaming Jews for the disease have flourished, based on age-old tropes linking Jews to the spread of deadly illnesses.

The pandemic has also seen the rapid growth of a Holocaust trivialization trend, with anti-vaccine protesters often misappropriating yellow Stars of David as a symbol of their movement.

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