An anti-Semitic message spray-painted on a truck in Davie, Florida.

Vandal Spray-Paints Anti-Semitic Messages at South Florida Shopping Plaza

A police investigation has been opened after a South Florida shopping plaza was targeted over the weekend by a vandal who spray-painted anti-Semitic messages at several spots.

According to a WSVN 7 News report, the vandal defaced a Chase Bank sign, a box truck, a Fresh Kitchen restaurant and the University Plaza sign in the town of Davie, located north of Miami.

Broward County Crime Stoppers is asking anyone with information on the vandalism to contact it.

With such incidents of anti-Semitism occurring around the world with increasing frequency, the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM) will be holding the 2021 Mayors Summit Against Anti-Semitism, on March 16, to highlight steps cities can take to keep such hatred off their streets.

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