Vermont Lieutenant Governor Candidates Meeting ‘Zoom Bombed’ with Swastikas

According to the Vermont Digger, A forum for Democratic lieutenant governor candidates was “Zoom bombed” with swastikas this week.

Leading candidate Brenda Siegel, who is Jewish, immediately called for enhanced security at these forums in the future. 

On Wednesday, the Essex County Democratic Committee hosted a digital forum. The conference was attended by candidates Lieutenant Governor candidates Siegel, Senate Majority Leader Tim Ashe, Senator Debbie Ingram Assistant Attorney General Molly Gray.

Siegel reported that the meeting interrupted two times by individuals who posted swastikas in the forum, wrote “Hail Satan” and told Siegel and the host of the meeting to “shut up” according to the Vermont Digger.

“We can’t just go forward without naming what happened, and as the Jewish candidate, I’m really shook, and that showed.” Siegel said.

Siegel recommended that all virtual meetings have a registration system to identify who is attending, a waiting room if possible, and ideally a set of rules of what is and what is not allowed in the video conference. 

“In the light of Covid, we have got to take online security measures, just like you would for any business.” Siegal said

Organizers suggested that widespread nature of the event led to it being the target of anti-Semitic “Zoombombers.” Prior to the link was spread widely on Facebook and Twitter by the Lieutenant Governor candidates. 

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