With Global Antisemitism on Rise, New Book Traces History of Jewish-Christian Ties

With antisemitism on the rise across the world, Christian author and theologian R.L. Solberg plans to donate 100% of the profits from his newest book, Divergence: Examining Jewish-Christian Relations in the Early Church, to fight Jew-hatred.

The book is based on extensive research Solberg did on the history of Christian beliefs toward Jews.

“There are a lot of ideas circulating today about the early Christians and their treatment of the Jewish people,” Solberg was quoted by the Religion News Service as saying. “I had to research it for myself. After all, Christianity was birthed in a first-century Jewish culture. Jesus was Jewish, the New Testament authors were Jewish, the first Christians were Jewish. What happened?”

Christian author and theologian R.L. Solberg.

The book is being published by Willamson College Press on July 13th.

Williamson College President Dr. Ed Smith said, “We are all about promoting peace and unity, especially across racial lines. Rob has put together a fascinating historical expedition that challenges a common notion about early Jewish-Christian relations.”

“We feel this book has a timely message and some important things to say about Jewish-Christian unity,” Smith added.

The profits from the book will be donated to the pro-Israel education group StandWithUs, which is engaged in the global fight against antisemitism.

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