A screenshot of security footage of the incident.

Woman Violently Knocks Hat Off Orthodox Jewish Man in Brooklyn Street Assault

A Hasidic Jewish man walking down a street in Brooklyn, New York, last Saturday was violently assaulted by a female passerby and had his traditional fur hat (shtreimel) knocked to the ground, The Jerusalem Post reported, citing the Boro Park Shomrim volunteer community security group.

The suspected assailant was arrested on Saturday night by the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“[The woman] randomly approached him, first asked him something about Jesus, when he kept walking, she said, ‘F***ing Jew,’  knocked his shtreimel off,” Boro Park Shomrim was quoted as saying.

Last month, the NYPD stepped up patrols near synagogues in Brooklyn amid a surge of antisemitic assaults taking place in the borough.

According to NYPD data, there was a 114% jump in antisemitic hate crimes in New York City in July 2022, compared to July 2021.

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