‘You Save One Life, You Save the World’: Daughter of Zakynthos Holocaust Survivor Tells Her Family’s Story

One highlight of Tuesday’s special virtual event, “There Is Neither Greek Nor Jew”: The Heroic Duo Who Saved an Entire Island From the Holocaust, were remarks from Mimica Tsezana Hyman, the daughter of one of the 275 Jews protected by Mayor Loukas Karrer, Metropolitan Dimitrios Chrysostomos, and the people of Zakynthos from the Nazis during World War II.

“You save one life, you save the world,” Hyman — a Board Member of the American Friends of the Jewish Museum of Greece — said. “The people of Zakynthos saved the world, and our hearts.”

Hyman recalled stories her father had told her of his time in hiding, including one time when a barking dog prevented a Nazi soldier from discovering him.

“Even the pets in Zakynthos protected the Jews,” she quipped.

Watch Hyman’s full remarks here:

For more information on Tuesday’s event, visit: greece.combatantisemitism.org

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