active campaign

Take Part in #StopAsianHate Virtual Campaign to Fight Bigotry

Status: End

With hate crimes targeting Asian Americans surging, it’s time to say enough is enough. This Friday, March 26, join the Asian American community for a Virtual Day of Action and vow to #StopAsianHate.

The Asian American community is still reeling from last week’s shooting rampage at three Asian-owned spas in the Atlanta, Georgia area in which eight people were murdered.

The Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM) stands in solidarity with Asian Americans, and all other minorities facing bigotry. Only united can we overcome prejudice.

Ending anti-Asian violence will require people to speak up about the growing problem. The first step you can take is to post a message of support for the Asian American community on Friday on social media using the hashtag @StopAsianHate.

The date was chosen because on March 26, 1790, the Naturalization Act was signed into law, prohibiting non-white people from becoming citizens of the US, and over 200 years later Asians in the US are still suffering from the effects of racism.

For further information on the social media campaign, click here:

To learn more about the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), visit its website: