Breaking Barriers: Life Saving Video Sharing Contest


We invite you to participate in the Breaking Barriers: Life Saving Video Sharing Contest, where you can become an ambassador for the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement and share videos about the incredible lifesaving work of United Hatzalah.

United Hatzalah (UH) is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. Their services are available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. The 5 videos you will be asked to share showcase UH’s incredible work all while promoting diversity, teamwork, interfaith relationships, and gender equality in Israel. These videos also help fight rising Jew-hatred by highlighting the best of Israel and the Jewish people’s unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

By joining this important contest, you will become a Combat Anti-Semitism Movement Ambassador. Up to $15,000 in prizes will be awarded to the ambassadors whose shares create the most visibility online for the work of United Hatzalah.

Here is how the contest works: 

  • To join the contest, register below and complete the following steps.
  • In the contest page, there are 5 tasks that you will be asked to complete pertaining to videos of United Hatzalah’s incredible lifesaving work.
  • When you complete a task you will receive points and be able to move onto the next task.
  • New tasks will be launched regularly, allowing you to move onto the next level. (There will be 5 levels in total)
  • Those whose promotion is the most creative and generates the most visibility will be awarded with prizes. Winners will be selected by the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement and United Hatzalah based on the completion of tasks, creativity, and impact of each participant.

Prizes: First prize receives $5,000, second and third prizes receive $2,500, and runners-up will receive up to $1,000

Good luck!

var vy_contest_id = 125253; var vy_contest_url = ‘’;

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