Jewish Cemetery Targeted with White Supremacist Graffiti in Virginia
White supremacist graffiti was found on the walls of the Sir Moses Montefiore Cemetery, a Jewish cemetery in Henrico County, Virginia near the city of Richmond. 8News reported that Similar graffiti was also seen on the grave site of Maggie L. Walker, located in Richmond’s Evergreen Cemetery, a historic African American cemetery.
The numbers “777” were spray-painted on the the gate of the Sir Moses Montefiore Cemetery as well as on the grave of Maggie L. Walker. Walker was a trailblazing African American woman entrepreneur. The Sir Moses Montefiore Cemetery is a Jewish burial site that was founded in 1886 by Orthodox Jewish immigrants in Richmond.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, the numbers 777 represent a Neo-Nazi or White Supremacist symbol called the “Triskele.” The Triskele was an ancient European symbol that was adopted by the Nazis. A version of the Trsikele that looks like “three sevens” is most commonly associated with white supremacy. The symbol is also commonly used as a tattoo for white supremacists and can be seen in the logo of the skinhead group Blood & Honour.
Richmond police said that they are opening an investigation into both incidents.
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