‘Stolpersteine’ Holocaust Memorial Brick Stolen in German City of Weimar
A newly-laid “Stolpersteine” Holocaust memorial brick was stolen last week in the central German city of Weimar.
The brick had been placed outside Brucknerstraße 11 in memory of Holocaust victim Karl Sachs the previous day.
Police have asked witnesses for clues about the incident.
In recent decades, tens of thousands of “Stolpersteine” bricks have been laid in Germany and other European countries that were occupied by the Nazis during World War II.
The bricks are located at the last known addresses of Jews and other Nazi victims.
With antisemitism on the rise across Europe, the “Stolpersteine” bricks have become an increasingly-frequent target of vandals.
A few days ago, three “Stolpersteine” bricks in the northwestern German town of Osterholz-Scharmbeck, memorializing the Davidsohn family at Bahnhofstraße 84, were discovered to have been painted over.
And in June, nearly two dozen “Stolpersteine” bricks were damaged in the northwestern German city of Dortmund.
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