Wisconsin Man Calls Neighbor ‘Dirty Jew’ Over Campaign Yard Sign

According to The Algemeiner, a Wisconsin man was charged with a hate crime after he accosted his neighbors with anti-Semitic slurs purportedly because of a campaign sign in their yard in support of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

A criminal complaint published several days ago indicates that 49-year-old Gregory Kirst has been charged in Ozaukee County Circuit Court with disorderly conduct with a hate crime enhancer. The hate crime enhancer increases the maximum penalty to a $10,000 fine and a prison sentence of up to one year.

Kirst, who lives in Mequon, Wisconsin, fought with his neighbors over the sign on August 30th. That evening, he allegedly walked across the street with his daughter and removed the Joe Biden sign from his neighbor’s lawn before yelling at the woman who owns the house through her screen door. When the neighbor demanded that Kirst leave her property, Kirst made an obscene gesture.

The woman’s husband then confronted Kirst outside and Kirst proceeded to call him a “dirty Jew” and blamed Jews for being behind this summer’s riots in Portland, Oregon. Kirst finally vacated his neighbor’s property and returned to home.

Upon returning home, Kirst made a sign that read “Jews for Trump” out of a large white cloth. Kirst then displayed this sign in his own front yard.

When local police arrived on scene, Kirst refused to leave his home and denied removing the sign from his neighbor’s lawn while also denying to police that the altercation had occurred at all. Eventually, another neighbor convinced Kirst to leave his home to face arrest. He is scheduled to appear in court on September 17th.

Read More: https://bit.ly/3bDxajg

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