Weekly Report – June 15
This Week's
This week, we continued to monitor antisemitism around the world while advocating for more actions to be made.
Following the release of the White House’s new National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, the Biden administration defended its move to include the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the plan. Considering CAIR’s extensive history of antisemitic rhetoric and activities, this sparked debate among stakeholders in the fight against antisemitism regarding the standards for partnerships and coalition building.
This week, a group of neo-Nazi demonstrators waved swastika flags outside the entrance to the Walt Disney World Resort, in Orlando, Florida. During the debut of his new Twitter show, recently fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson called Ukraine’s Jewish president “rat-like” — repeating an age-old slur used against Jews. In Oklahoma City, police were investigating after a swastika was found cut into a man’s front lawn.
In the UK, Roger Waters resumed his fascist dictator act at concerts in London, after briefly dropping the routine following the controversy that erupted over his recent performances in Germany that were widely condemned for featuring displays of antisemitism. Also in London this week, a man gave a middle finger to a woman and yelled, “F*** Jewish… f*** Jews, f*** Jews.” In Spain, a politician affiliated with the Socialist Workers’ Party resigned from her post after calling a rival a “Jewish Nazi.” In Belarus, a known Holocaust denier was appointed to the position of director of the country’s national library.
In Algeria, Palestinian National Council President Rawhi Fattouh claimed Jerusalem belonged “exclusively to the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Muslims.” He also claimed that Arabs had inhabited Jerusalem for over 1.5 million years, while Jews had only been in the region for around 6,000.
The UN Human Rights Council’s “Commission of Inquiry” accused Israel of pursuing an “intentional strategy” of “delegitimizing and silencing” Palestinian “civil society” groups. The report whitewashed Palestinian terrorism and ignored the systemic antisemitism being propagated by Palestinian leaders in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo voted unanimously to endorse the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism. This move follows the adoption of the definition by the country’s executive branch in 2020. Across the globe, the definition has been adopted by 41 countries, and more than 1,100 other entities, including international institutions and organizations, governmental bodies at all levels, NGOs, universities, athletic clubs, and corporations. Read CAM’s “The IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism 2022 Adoptions and Endorsements Report” here.
This week’s global antisemitism report highlights 39 new reports of antisemitic incidents. The total includes 21 (53.8%) from the far-right, 10 (25.6%) from the far-left, 4 (10.3%) with Islamist motivations, and 4 (10.3%) unidentifiable in nature.

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