‘All Freedom-Loving Nations Must Stand With Israel Against Iran’s Aggression’

Saturday, April 13, 2024 — A short time ago, Iran launched a direct attack on Israel. While the assault is currently unfolding, Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) CEO Sacha Roytman released the following statement from his home in Tel Aviv:

“The genocidal ruling regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s attack on Israel is an attack on the Western world as a whole. This aggression is fueled by the virulent antisemitism of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his cadre of fanatical henchmen. Israel did not start this fight with Iran, the most recent belligerence started on October 7th with Tehran’s proxy, Hamas, carrying out a brutal massacre of civilians in Israel and has continued through attacks by Iran-backed Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border over the last six months.”

“At this time, we call on Israel’s allies in the West, along with Middle Eastern allies of Israel and the United States, to assist Israel in repelling the Iranian aggression that has been the biggest impediment to peace in the region since 1979. Iran has finally stepped out of the shadows of proxy attacks and has now begun prosecuting its campaign of mass murder from within its homeland. This escalation should spur all freedom-loving nations to stand with Israel against the Iranian regime.”

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