CAM Commends South Dakota Executive Order Banning Israel Boycotts

New York, NY (January 17, 2020) – The Combat Anti-Semitism (CAS) Movement commends and supports South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for signing an executive order prohibiting state offices from doing business with companies that boycott Israel. South Dakota became the 28th state to enact a measure to combat boycotts of Israel. 


The order mandates that vendors seeking contracts with state offices do not engage with companies that participate in boycotts of Israel. This order applies to companies, or contractors, with more than five employees who enter into contracts with South Dakota of $100,000 or more.


Upon signing the order, Governor Noem said “Israel is one of our nation’s closest allies, and their success is critical to American national security. Today, we reaffirm that South Dakota stands with Israel and will only contract with businesses who agree to fairly compete. Our state will not stand for any discrimination based on race or religion.”


With Israel-related anti-Semitism on the rise across the world, the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement believes this step will go far in ensuring that the anti-Semitic BDS movement does not gain traction. We call upon the 22 states that have not passed similar measures to do so without delay. 


Combat Anti-Semitism Movement Director Sacha Roytman-Dratwa: “Pro-BDS activists across the country are demanding that Jews shed their Zionism, which is an important part of their Jewish identity. Local, state and national governments across the world have a duty to make sure that Israel-related anti-Semitism is addressed like all other forms of anti-Semitism. BDS is discriminatory and leads to the intimidation and harassment of Jews and others who support Israel. The BDS Movement calls for the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state and is anti-Semitic in intent and often in practice. We hope more states and local governments will follow suit in standing up to boycotts of Israel. We call upon state and local goverments to adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism in order to fight all manifestations of anti-Semitism, including the BDS movement. 

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