Follow Team Israel co-founder David Wiseman.

Meet Our Partner: Follow Team Israel

Founded in 2012 around the time of the Summer Olympics in London, Follow Team Israel is a social media initiative to share the stories of Israeli athletes and their accomplishments with the world in English.

Follow Team Israel has amassed more than 30,000 followers on Facebook, and also runs Instagram and Twitter accounts.

“Sport is a great way to build bridges and create relationships,” Follow Team Israel co-founder David Wiseman said.

“A lot of the news about Israel is negative, and it can be quite overwhelming and onerous at times, so we wanted to create a page that was just basically going to be feel-good stories,” he commented.

“The engagement on our posts is crazy high,” Wiseman noted. “We’ve never done any advertising, it’s all purely organic. And I think because of that, the fans really connect with it.”

Watch a video on Follow Team Israel — featuring comments from Wiseman — here:

For more information on Follow Team Israel, please visit:

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