Sigma Alpha Mu Executive Director Andy Huston.

Meet Our Partner: Sigma Alpha Mu

Focusing on Jewish heritage and ethical values, the Sigma Alpha Mu (ΣΑΜ) fraternity — commonly known as Sammy — enriches the lives of its undergraduate and alumni members. Through leadership training and community service initiatives, it seeks to develop men of good moral character.

Originally founded as a Jewish fraternity in 1909, Sigma Alpha Mu is now open to men of all faiths. Its mission is to “foster the development of collegiate men and our alumni by instilling strong fraternal values, offering social and service opportunities, encouraging academic excellence, and teaching leadership skills.”

“We understand that hate and bias impact not only the college experience, but also the world around us,” said Sigma Alpha Mu Executive Director Andy Huston.

In 2015, Sigma Alpha Mu unanimously passed a resolution vowing to “do everything in our power to strengthen ties between our undergraduate members, living alumni, and the State of Israel,” and reiterating its opposition to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Watch a video on Sigma Alpha Mu — featuring comments from Huston — here:

For more information on Sigma Alpha Mu, please visit:

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