Stars of David are seen spray-painted on a a building in Paris, France.

96% of European Jews Encountered Antisemitism in Year Before Survey, New EU-Wide Study Reveals

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The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published on Thursday the results of its running its third-ever survey on “Jewish People’s Perceptions and Experiences of Antisemitism,” offering detailed insights into the various manifestations of contemporary Jew-hatred on the European continent.

Survey respondents were self-identifying Jews ages 16 and older — living in Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, and Sweden.

Key findings included:

  • 84% of respondents consider antisemitism to be a “very big” or “fairly big” problem in their country.
  • 80% of respondents think that antisemitism has increased over the past five years in their country of residence.
  • 96% have encountered antisemitism in the year before the survey; 64% of respondents who have encountered antisemitism state that they experience it “all the time.”
  • 91% consider antisemitism on the internet and social media as a “very big” or “fairly big” problem in their country.
  • 18% think that their government combats antisemitism effectively.

The full report is available HERE.

“Worrying about their safety and hiding their Jewish identity is still a reality for many Jewish people today,” FRA Director Sirpa Rautio said. “For far too long, Jews in Europe have had to live with these fears. Faced with prejudice and hostility, most feel unable to live openly Jewish lives.”

The FRA survey is conducted once every five years, and the past results can be viewed here: 2013 and 2018.

“FRA’s purpose is to create the most informed and evidence-based portrait of perceptions of antisemitism and life as a Jew as it is experienced by European Jews for use by EU institutions, member states, policy makers, influencers, and organizations working within Jewish and wider civil society,” European Commission Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life Katharina von Schnurbein said when the survey was launched last year.

For more information on the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, please visit:

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