Antisemitic Hate Crimes in California Rose 32% in 2021, New State Data Report Reveals
A total of 152 “anti-Jewish bias events” occurred in California in 2021, marking a 32.2% increase from the 115 of the previous year, according to new data released by the state government last week.
The study — which can be read in full here — found there were 1,763 reported “hate crime events” overall in California in 2021, up 32.6% from 2020, and 2,221 “hate crime offenses,” a 42.1% rise.
In the past decade, the number of hate crimes in California jumped 89.6%, the statistics showed.
The “Hate Crime in California 2021” report was compiled by the California Department of Justice, led by Attorney General Rob Bonta.
It defined a hate crime as “a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”
One of the most prominent antisemitic incidents of 2021 in California was a violent assault in May on Jewish diners at a Los Angeles restaurant by anti-Israel demonstrators.
Two of the suspects in the case were charged with a hate crime.
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