The entrance to the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory in Be'er Tuvia, Israel. Photo: Emmanuel Dunand / AFP / Getty Images.

Ben & Jerry’s Faces Serious Legal, Financial, and Reputational Costs From Boycott Decision Targeting Israel, New ILF Brief Says

The Ben & Jerry’s company, and its parent conglomerate Unilever, are facing serious potential legal, financial, and reputational consequences from the Vermont-based ice cream maker’s recent decision to end sales of its products in the “Occupied Palestinian Territory,” according to a new analysis published by the International Legal Forum (ILF).

“Companies operating in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem do so in full compliance with relevant Israel, domestic and international law. Ben & Jerry’s decision to discriminate against Israeli citizens living in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem may expose them to potential anti-discrimination lawsuits,” the brief said.

“More significantly,” it added, “Ben & Jerry’s decision violates American state anti-BDS and federal antiboycott legislation.”

“The company, as well as Unilever, its parent, may soon experience stiff financial consequences of state divestment and loss of contracts,” the brief said.

“Public officials and stakeholders must act quickly in order to make clear that boycotts of Israel are illegal and carry a steep financial and reputational cost,” the ILF concluded.

The ILF’s full report can be read here: Legal Analysis of Ben and Jerry’s Boycott Decision

For more information about the ILF, visit:

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