CAM Coalition Partners Spotlight: Bringing Communities Together Through Summer Events

As the summer begins to come to a close, a number of partners have begun gearing up for fall programming and have spoken out in support of the State of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. Current events involving the recent Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av (commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temple’s as well as the collective suffering of the Jewish people in exile) and Operation Breaking Dawn (between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad during the Gaza operation) served as the primary topics for content across the partner coalition.

Here is a sampling of how CAM partners made a difference this week:


Camera on Campus: At the start of August, Camera on Campus held its 12th Annual International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC) in Boston, Massachusetts. Students gathered from around the world to learn about the recent rise in antisemitism and how they can combat hatred on college campuses.

Read more here.

Upcoming Events

Israeli-American Civic Action Network (ICAN): RSVP for ICAN’s upcoming event, “A Special Townhall Discussion: Exploring Jewish Identity, Confronting Stereotypes, Defining Antisemitism,” is currently open! Join ICAN on August 25th from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM PDT at Congregation Kol Ami in West Hollywood, CA, to learn about combating antisemitic stereotypes and much more.


Read more and RSVP here.

Fuel For Truth (FFT): Applications for FFT’s fall boot camps have opened! These boot camps will allow attendees to learn about the modern history of Israel, major issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and best practices for effectively discussing them. Fall boot camps begin in September and are open to young professionals.

Read more and RSVP here.

Partner Achievements

AISH: To commemorate Tisha b’Av, Aish hosted a video stream featuring rabbis from around the world. The stream shared timeless Jewish wisdom and connected Jews to their religious roots, as well as served as a fundraiser to help support Jewish learning all year long.

View the stream for free here.

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP): As part of the William Prusoff Memorial Seminar, a number of notable leaders from the Middle East (including Natan Sharansky) spoke to an eager audience at Oxford University about the Abraham Accords and its influence in bringing respect between peoples in the Middle East and beyond.


The Tel Aviv Institute: Founder Hen Mazzig appeared on BBC News on Saturday, August 10. He spoke about Operation Breaking Dawn, the tragic deaths of Israelis and Palestinians in the cycles of violence between Israel and the terrorist factions ruling Gaza, and his message of hope for peace.

Watch here.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

The Jewish Federation of Omaha: Due to mass shootings oftentimes taking place around schools and faith-based institutions, the Jewish Federation of Omaha announced a new security initiative on August 9th to ensure the safety of students attending Pennie Z Davis Early Learning Center (ELC) and the Friedel Jewish Academy. This security campaign will focus on hiring more security and infrastructure improvements for these local Jewish day schools in Omaha.

Read more here.


Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum: The latest community issue for the monthly newsletter has been released! The newsletter covers a wide range of topics, including how the community commemorated Tisha B’Av in New York and news from the Jewish community in Greece.

Read more here.

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