CAM Tracks Daily Average of 5.7 Antisemitic Incidents in First Half of 2022

The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) Information Hub tracked a total of 150 antisemitic incidents reported in the media worldwide in June 2022, marking a daily average of 5.0 incidents.

CAM’s Monthly Antisemitism Report classifies incidents of Jew-hatred (including physical assault, verbal harassment, vandalism, and hate speech) by the ideologies of the perpetrators.

Overall, CAM has tracked 1,026 antisemitic incidents in the media in the first six months of 2022, an average of 5.7 incidents per day, compared to 1,096 incidents during the same period in 2021 — a 6.4% decrease. In all of 2021, CAM tracked an average of 6.1 antisemitic incidents reported in the media daily.

Of June 2022’s incidents, 52.7% (79) had far-right motives (compared to 44.2% of 2021’s total), while 20.7% (31) had far-left motives (compared to 19.1% of 2021’s total), and 10.7% (16) had Islamist motives (compared to 19.1% of 2021’s total). The remainder — 16.0% (24) — had unidentifiable motives (compared to 17.7 % of 2021’s total).

Also in June, CAM monitored 19 physical threats against Jews, as well as 68 incidents of antisemitic vandalism.


In early June, the publication by a pro-BDS Boston-area activist collective of an interactive map featuring names and addresses of local Jewish institutions drew broad condemnation from Jewish groups and U.S. lawmakers for propagating antisemitic tropes and potentially inciting violence, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said it was “very well aware and are tracking” the “Mapping Project” website.

Also in June, CAM monitored a total of 26 incidents of antisemitic flyering across 11 U.S. states, including California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin, marking the continuation of a troubling pattern that has plagued the country recently.

In a majority of the occurrences, the apparent perpetrators were supporters of the neo-Nazi Goyim Defense League (GDL).

There were seven new adoptions of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism in June — by the Republic of Colombia; U.S. states of Louisiana and New York; Australian state of South Australia; Canadian province of British Columbia; County of Arlington, Virginia; West Yorkshire Combined Authority, United Kingdom; and La Trobe University (Student Union), Australia.

The full monthly report can be viewed here.

For more information on CAM’s antisemitism incidents data, which is collected on a weekly basis, visit:

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