Jews are the Most Targeted Group for Hate Crimes in the Toronto Area
According to an article published in the Algemeiner, newly available police data reveals that Jews were the most targeted group for hate crimes in the Toronto area last year.
The report stated that 44 out of the 139, or about 32%, hate-related-incidents recorded by police were targeted at Jews.
In the neighboring region of York, similar numbers were reported with about 40 out of 133 (about 30%) total reported hate crimes targeting Jews last year.
Commenting on the report, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, Michael Mostyn said, “We are sad to see that the trends we’ve been warning of for some time now are coming to fruition, and the alarming rise of anti-Semitism is continuing to expand.”
Read More: https://bit.ly/3drirY7
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