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March ‘Toxicity Analysis’ Finds Stable Levels of Antisemitism on Twitter

March’s monthly Toxicity Analysis — published by the CAM Antisemitism Research Center in partnership with the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) — showed that toxicity scores for tweets mentioning Jews remained stable at levels similar to previous months.

The March results — based on an analysis of a random sample 100,000 tweets out of a total of 815,662 (12.25%) that referred to Jewish people — found 14% were identity attacks on Jews, 6% were insults to Jews, and 1% were threats against Jews, the same percentages as February.


Many days in March had lower maximum scores than corresponding days in February, however, indicating that the top percentile of toxic tweets were comparatively less toxic.

For all tweets about Jews in March, the top 25 hashtags were #Jewish, #Israel, #Jews, #Judaism, #jewish, #Purim, #Antisemitism, #antisemitism, #Palestine, #Holocaust, #FreePalestine, #Auschwitz, #Bible, #IsraeliCrimes, #Palestinians, #IsraeliApartheid, #Ukraine, #Jew, #jews, #Christianity, #Torah, #Passover, #Christian, #Islam, and #Zionism.

The tweets with the most engagement related to comparisons of the treatment of transgender people to Nazi persecution of the Jews; U.S. rapper Kanye West’s declaration that he “likes Jewish people again”; and a series of posts by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum highlighting stories of Holocaust victims. 

The most toxic tweets in the dataset included conspiracy theories, bigoted stereotypes, and claims of Jews being “satanic.”

Examples of toxic quotes from March included:


While dangerous forms of antisemitism are proliferating on other social media platforms as well, the CAM Antisemitism Research Center, in partnership with the NCRI, is currently only analyzing data from Twitter, Reddit, and 4Chan.

In March, CAM tracked 128 real-world antisemitic incidents reported in the media globally, marking a daily average of 4.1 incidents. In all of 2022, CAM recorded a total of 1,921 incidents, or an average of 5.3 incidents per day.

March 2023 saw 68 incidents of far-right antisemitism (53.1% of total), as well as 27 (21.1%), 16 (12.5%), and 17 (13.3%) in the Islamist, far-left, and unidentifiable categories, respectively.

CAM also monitored 13 physical threats against Jews in March, as well as 53 incidents of antisemitic vandalism.

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