Massive Increase in Anti-Semitic Crimes in Bavaria

In Bavaria the number has grown significantly more than nationwide.

In Bavaria, the number of anti-Semitic crimes has increased significantly more than nationwide. The government’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Ludwig Spaenle (CSU), said in Munich on Tuesday that the number of around 220 anti-Semitic crimes in 2018 had “skyrocketed” to more than 300 in 2019.

This increase by more than a third (36.6 percent) is terrifying. “As a society, we have to develop a living culture of looking and show our solidarity with Jews,” Spaenle said.

The massive increase in anti-Semitic crimes shows that efforts against anti-Semitism should not be allowed to slacken: “Yes, we must even step up the fight.”

Spaenle uses various measures: solidarity, prevention and state repression against criminals. Prevention and education are more important than ever in the medium and long term, explained the anti-Semitism officer. Nationwide, the number of anti-Semitic motivated crimes rose by more than ten percent from 2018 to 2019 to 2032, it was said.


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