One Minute Weekly Video Report on Global Anti-Semitism: February 5, 2021
In the past week, CAM covered 49 anti-Semitic incidents (59% far-right, 10% far-left, 19% Islamist, and 12% unidentifiable) around the world.
Germany reported a sharp uptick in hate crimes. A North Carolina kindergarten teacher defended Hitler’s action’s against the Jews. And former Lebanese Foreign Minister Farez Bouez claimed the Biden Administration is dominated by Jews, repeating a fake Nazi propaganda quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin warning Americans that “Jews will eat your children.”
Meanwhile, the Biden Administration said it will champion the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, and Germany’s cabinet codified into law its relationship with the IHRA as an important international institution.
CAM recorded 17 new IHRA definition adoptions this week, including the cities of Paris and Nice in France. These cities, which have faced horrific anti-Semitic attacks, have set a tremendous example for municipalities everywhere in the struggle against Jew-hatred.
Read this week’s Global Anti-Semitism Report for more news and stories.
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