The Battle Over BDS – Trends, Lessons, and Future Trajectories

In a new study by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), the group examines the proliferation of the BDS movement across the globe.  In this seminal report, author Asher Fredman details the key trends of the BDS movement in recent years including their efforts at the UN, in individual countries, and in the economic arena.

The study documents the first 10-15 years of the BDS movement, how the counter-BDS network is finally coming to fruition and challenging BDS on various fronts by exposing its links to terrorist organizations and showing the anti-Semitic nature of the organization.

Still, the JCPA’s report concludes that the BDS movement is far from being eliminated. The international environment has the opportunity to shift conditions in favor of BDS and, therefore, the counter-BDS network must continue to develop innovative techniques to thwart BDS actors from promoting their message in mainstream media.

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