Through March, CAM Tracks Daily Average of 5.1 Antisemitic Incidents in 2023

The CAM Antisemitism Research Center tracked a total of 128 antisemitic incidents reported in the media worldwide in March 2023, marking a daily average of 5.1 incidents — a 28.1% decline from the previous month.

CAMโ€™s Monthly Antisemitism Reportย classifies incidents of Jew-hatred (including physical assault, verbal harassment, vandalism, and hate speech) by the ideologies of the perpetrators.

Overall, CAM has tracked 461 antisemitic incidents in the media in the first three months of 2023, an average ofย 5.1 incidents per day, compared to 570 incidents during the same period in 2022 (6.3 incidents per day). In all of 2022, CAM tracked an average of 5.3 antisemitic incidents reported in the media daily.

Of March 2023โ€™s incidents, 53.1%ย (68) had far-right motives (compared to 53.0% of 2022โ€™s yearly total), while 21.1% (27) had Islamist motives (compared to 14.0% of 2022โ€™s yearly total) andย 12.5% (16) had far-left motives (compared to 13.5 % of 2022โ€™s yearly total). The remainder — 13.3% (17) — had unidentifiable motives (compared to 19.5% of 2022โ€™s yearly total).

Also in March, CAM monitored 13 physical threats against Jews, as well asย 53 incidents of antisemitic vandalism.


March’s monthly Toxicity Analysis — published by CAM in partnership with the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) — revealed that toxicity scores for tweets mentioning Jews remained stable at levels similar to previous months.

The results — based on an analysis of a random sample 100,000 tweets out of a total of 815,662 (12.25%) that referred to Jewish people — found 14% were identity attacks on Jews, 6% were insults to Jews, and 1% were threats against Jews, the same percentages as February.

Many days in March had lower maximum scores than corresponding days in February, however, indicating that the top percentile of toxic tweets were comparatively less toxic.

For all tweets about Jews in March, the top 25 hashtags were #Jewish, #Israel, #Jews, #Judaism, #jewish, #Purim, #Antisemitism, #antisemitism, #Palestine, #Holocaust, #FreePalestine, #Auschwitz, #Bible, #IsraeliCrimes, #Palestinians, #IsraeliApartheid, #Ukraine, #Jew, #jews, #Christianity, #Torah, #Passover, #Christian, #Islam, and #Zionism.

There were six new adoptionsย of theย IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism in March — by the city of Cincinnati, Ohio; Croatian Football Federation; Union of the Evangelical Church (Panama); Boston University Student Government; Monash University (Australia); and University of Zagreb Senate (Croatia).

The full monthly report can be viewedย here.

For more information on CAMโ€™s antisemitism incidents data, which is collected on a weekly basis, visit:ย

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