The entrance to the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory in Be'er Tuvia, Israel. Photo: Emmanuel Dunand / AFP / Getty Images.

Four Positive Stories From the Global Fight Against Antisemitism in June 2022

The Combat Antisemitism Movement publishes a regular feature highlighting “good news” in the fight against the world’s oldest hatred.

Here are four such stories from June 2022:

Major Victory Against BDS: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Will Continue to Be Sold in Israel

Avi Zinger, Ben & Jerry’s Israeli licensee, has settled the federal lawsuit filed on his behalf by the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law and co-counsel, following Ben & Jerry’s refusal to renew Zinger’s 34-year-old license to manufacture and sell Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

The settlement prevents Ben & Jerry’s from boycotting Israel and ensures that Zinger will continue selling Ben & Jerry’s ice cream throughout Israel and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) without interruption.

Presidents of Colombia, Guatemala Sign Organization of American States (OAS) Proclamation Endorsing International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of Antisemitism

OAS Secretary-General Luis Almagro has urged all OAS member states to adopt the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism and fight Jew-hatred in all its contemporary manifestations.

Guatemalan President Dr. Alejandro Giammattei is seen signing a proclamation adopting the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism, June 28, 2022. Photo: Guatemalan OAS Permanent Mission.
Colombian President Iván Duque (R) signs a declaration adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, as Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary-General Luis Almagro looks on, June 2, 2022.


One of UK’s Largest Trade Unions Backs Calls for Antisemites to Face ‘Full Force of the Law’

In a move backed by the GMB’s General Secretary Gary Smith, the union, which has 600,000 members across nearly all industrial sectors, committed itself to a zero-tolerance policy on anti-Jewish racism.

Appeal to Preserve Jewish-African Heritage Signed by International Leaders in Morocco

The “Call of Rabat” appeal to advance cooperation across Africa in preserving Jewish-African heritage was signed by African and international Jewish leaders.

The initiative pushes for recognition by individuals, civil society groups, and governments of the long history of Jewish life in Africa, while  emphasizing preservation and accessibility for Jewish historical sites.

(L to R): Elmehdi Boudra (Founder & President, Mimouna Association), Serge Berdugo (secretary general of the Council of Moroccan Jewish Communities), Malcolm Hoenlein (Vice Chair, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations), HE Jorge Santos (Minister of Cabo Verdean Communities), Jason Guberman (Executive Director, American Sephardi Federation), and Abdeslam Filali (Vice General Secretary, Mimouna Association), at the Jewish Africa Conference in Rabat, Morocco. Photo: American Sephardi Federation.

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