German Cardinal Reinhard Marx Speaks Out Against Anti-Semitism
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, German Cardinal Reinhard Marx strongly condemned anti-Semitism and spoke of the obligation that Christians have in speaking out against anti-Jewish prejudice.
In a letter to Josef Schuster, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Cardinal Max wrote, “Not only as citizens, but also as Christians, we are obliged to oppose anti-Jewish prejudices and to stand up against anti-Jewish attacks. We must not and will not look away again,” La Croix International reported.
Speaking of the Council’s founding just five years after the end of the Holocaust on July 19, 1950, the cardinal said, “It was a sign and a deliberate, courageous decision – despite the horrible history and the many perpetrators who remained untouched – to make Jewish life possible and to organize Jewish life in this country again on a permanent basis.”
The Cardinal also thanked the Council for maintaining positive relations with the Catholic Church in Germany. Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg, President of the German Bishops’ Conference also spoke out against anti-Semitism in a letter to the Council, stating, “attacks on Jews are attacks on democracy and coexistence…Rest assured that the Catholic Church will continue to stand by you in the fight against anti-Semitism.”
In an interview with Catholic news agency KNA, Josef Schuster said the Central Council of Jews in Germany brings together over 100 congregations with approximately 95,000 members in total.
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