Orthodox Jewish Man Subjected to Anti-Semitic Slurs and Assault in Brooklyn

Once again, Brooklyn Jews are having to cope with anti-Semitic attacks in their own neighborhood. This week, a 51-year old Orthodox Jewish man was beaten and targeted with anti-Semitic slurs.

The man, who Jewish Journal did not identify by name, was walking home midday on Saturday, July 11th. A car drove by, which NYPD believes contained three suspects. The suspects shouted unspecified anti-Semitic slurs from the car, then proceeded to get out of the car and repeatedly punch the man.

The Algemeiner reported that the victim was treated at a nearby hospital for a broken finger and wounds to his face. The facial injuries required many stitches. Even though the suspects have yet to be identified, NYPD believes that there were three males between the ages of 18 and 20. In addition to the standard criminal investigation that is unfolding, the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is on the case. What is most notable about this incident is the frequency with which Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn face the physical forms of anti-Semitism.

That point was not lost on Etzion Neuer, the interim regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in New York and New Jersey. Speaking on behalf of the ADL, Neuer told the Algemeiner, “We are alarmed and deeply disturbed that another violent antisemitic incident has occurred in Brooklyn.” Neuer continued, “Sadly, as we have had to say many times in the past, no one should fear hate-motivated violence while walking down the street in their own city.” The ADL is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for relevant information that could lead to the arrest of the assailants.

Dov Hikind, the leader of Americans Against Anti-Semitism and a former member of the New York State Assembly, tweeted his frustration about the incident. Hikind wrote, “Violent anti-Semites are picking up right where they left off before COVID.” In claiming that violent anti-Semitism is a regular occurence in New York, Hikind has data to back him up. According to the Jewish Journal, the NYPD saw a 24% increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes from 2018 to 2019.

Such a sharp rise indicates that a more systemic issue of violent anti-Semitism is afoot in New York, suggesting that this 51-year old man unfortunately won’t be the last victim.

Sources: https://jewishjournal.com/news/united-states/318924/ny-orthodox-jewish-man-assaulted-subjected-to-anti-semitic-slurs


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