active campaign

Join the March of Life Global Day of Action on October 4, 2020: “Reconciliation, not Hate!”

Status: End

During the COVID-19 crisis we have witnessed a dramatic increase in racism and anti-Semitism worldwide which hardly anyone would have believed possible. In many cities, tens of thousands of people are taking to the streets. The images of flying stones, burning cars, confrontation, sheer hatred and violence are a shocking sight.

But right now is the time to take a stand for reconciliation on our streets. The message of the March of Life is: Reconciliation begins with me!

The Combat Anti-Semitism Movement is proud to partner with March of Life for this global interfaith event during the festival of Sukkot. Go to the streets of your city on the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot on October 4, 2020. While respecting the COVID-19 regulations of your country and city, let us send a bold message to Israel and the nations: “Reconciliation, not Hate!” – Together for Israel and Jewish life.

How can you and your city be a part of this?
1. Call people to the streets of your city. Whether 5 or 5,000 – as long as you are visible to the public!
2. Gather in a public place and (optionally) march through your city.
3. Observe the local COVID-19 regulations.
4. Make a statement of reconciliation, for Israel and for Jewish life in your nation.
5. Find a way to place a symbolic Star of David in a central, public area.
6. Take a photo or a short video for our joint message to Israel and upload it here:

Click here for materials and registration information.