active campaign

Join #WeResolve Movement and Sign the Petition to Combat Anti-Semitism

Status: Active

This year, as the world is struggling with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the epidemic of anti-Semitism has been flourishing in new and creative ways. That’s why we are calling on you to sign the Philos Project’s petition and join their #WeResolve campaign. 

From blaming Jews for creating, spreading or profiting from the novel virus to desecrating synagogues with swastikas amidst the quarantine; the reports of anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions seem to have been growing at a faster rate during this pandemic.

The best response to anti-Semitism isn’t anti-anti-Semitism. It is philosemitism or the love of the Jewish people. But a philosemitism of words will do nothing; it must be turned to action. Let’s commit to truly taking a stance of solidarity to fight hate and combat anti-Semitism whenever we see it. Only standing together can we make sure the evil behind anti-Semitism NEVER AGAIN escalates to the levels seen in the Holocaust.

We must say to the world, not only in words but in actions, that WE RESOLVE to confront anti-Semitism in every expression and form. As the adage says: what starts with the Jews, never ends with the Jews. Today the hateful acts are against the Jewish community, tomorrow they might be against others.

Let us stand in solidarity and eradicate this epidemic of hate, not only during the global coronavirus pandemic, but beyond.


1. Go to and sign the pledge

2. Share the page with friends and family

3. Post on social media and share our #WeResolve posts from the Philos Project’s platforms

4. Connect the Philos Project with organizations that will actively share the campaign, posts, or who would be willing to partner with them on this initiative.