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Petition: Social Media Platforms Must Do More to Combat Online Extremism and Hatred
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A new report, The “Synagogue of Satan”: Uniting Extremist Groups in the Revival of an Antisemitic Libel Online, published by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), highlights the recent alarming increase in negative tweets containing the word “synagogue” on Twitter.
Since last October, there has been a doubling in mentions of the word “synagogue” on Twitter, the study found, and nearly 20% of them contain the antisemitic libel “Synagogue of Satan,” often accompanied by calls for direct action.
While this research focused only on one platform, dangerous forms of antisemitism proliferate across social media. As the number of antisemitic incidents continues to rise both online and offline, we urge the major social media platforms to monitor and track extremist content that incites real-world violence targeting Jews and Jewish communal institutions.
Regrettably, social media has become a breeding ground for this type of hate speech, and it is the responsibility of the major social media platforms to proactively combat this perilous trend and assist organizations working to combat hate groups and protect Jewish communities across the globe.
To address this urgent challenge effectively, we ask that the major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, prioritize the safety of their users and all communities impacted by hate speech on their platforms. This can be done by working with experts who monitor online antisemitism, with such collaboration helping foster and promote strategies to mitigate the real-life threats fueled by hate speech.
Social media platforms have a massive influence on public discourse, giving them a moral obligation to take a stand against prejudice and ally with organizations working to combat hatred, bigotry, and extremism. Their partnership in creating a safe and thriving online community is essential.
The full petition can be read and signed here.
- August 12, 2024
- Active