active campaign

Petition to University Presidents: Condemn American Anthropological Association’s Proposed Academic Boycott of Israel, Sever Ties

Status: Active

As members of the public, with many of us students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff and taxpayers, we represent a vast constituency connected directly and indirectly to your university community.

We are profoundly concerned about the upcoming vote on an academic boycott of Israel resolution within the American Anthropological Association (AAA), a resolution that, if passed, could fundamentally undermine academic freedom and harm the educational opportunities and experiences of your students and faculty.

As a University engaged in the Department Services Program (DSP) with the AAA, you hold a direct stake in ensuring that the AAA’s decisions do not adversely affect your institution, its students and faculty, or the trust placed in you by the public.

We stand united with 107 education, civil rights, and religious groups that have recently called on you to:

Immediately and publicly condemn academic boycotts in general, and the AAA resolution specifically, and urge the AAA to reject the resolution.

Reaffirm your commitment to academic freedom and the well-being of your students and faculty by cutting all ties with the AAA, should the resolution pass.

Investigate and implement safeguards to ensure that an academic boycott can never be implemented at your university.

Thank you for promptly addressing this critical issue. We appreciate your commitment to upholding the principles of academic freedom and protecting your students and faculty.


The undersigned members of the public

Sign the above petition — organized by the AMCHA Initiative — here.

Last month, the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) was among the more than 100 education, civil rights, and religious groups to endorse a letter urging heads of universities across the U.S. to reject the proposed AAA resolution.