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Register for Timely Webinar Exploring Question of ‘Does Ethnic Studies Have a Jewish Problem?’

Status: Ended

On Thursday, September 8th, from 7:30-9:00 PM EDT, a Zoom panel discussion — hosted by Temple Israel of Natick, Massachusetts — will be held on the topic of “Does Ethnic Studies Have a Jewish Problem?

With legislation proposed for the addition of an Ethnic Studies Curriculum to be added to what is currently addressed in classrooms around Massachusetts, this important and timely program will focus on addressing the questions of: What is Ethnic Studies? What are the pros and cons and impact on Jewish students and other minorities? Does the current curricula in schools cover this area of study? And if so, what are the pros and cons of adding a new unit?

Discussion participants will include: Robert Leikind, Regional Director of American Jewish Committee New England; Elina Kaplan, President of Alliance for Constructive Ethnic Studies; Steven Stotsky, Director of CAMERA’S Education Institute; and Lori Lowenthal Marcus J.D., Legal Director of The Deborah Project.

For more information and FREE registration, please visit: