active campaign

Sign the NCCI Petition and Rescind Durham’s Anti-Semitic Resolution

Status: Active

Help our partner North Carolina Coalition for Israel demand that the Durham City Council rescinds their anti-Semitic resolution. On April 16, 2018, the Durham, North Carolina, City Council unanimously passed a statement, referred to as “The Israel Resolution,” banning any interaction between Durham police and their law enforcement counterparts in only one country on earth: Israel.

In passing this shameful and discriminatory statement, the Durham City Council linked its municipal policing policies with the “Deadly Exchange”, a virulently anti-Israel campaign initiated and promoted by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement which aims to end the Jewish State of Israel. “Deadly Exchange” does not present a legitimate criticism of Israeli policy. It instead traffics in repugnant tropes, canards, and conspiracies about Jewish power and money, and has been widely condemned as antisemitic.

In light of the upcoming 2-year anniversary of the City Council’s vote, North Carolina Coalition for Israel plan’s to remind them that we have not forgotten what they have done to the Jewish community, and to all local residents. We ask that you sign the following petition and pass it on to as many friends and family as possible.

Sign the petition here: