active campaign

Urge Indiana State Representatives to Support IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

Status: Active

The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) has joined the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council in urging the Indiana Legislature to pass HB 1002 and adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism.

This move would align Indiana with the widely-accepted standard, which nearly 50 Jewish organizations and institutions in Indiana, in addition to 35 other U.S. states and more than 1,200 institutions worldwide, have endorsed.

HB 1002 would add the definition to the education code rather than the criminal code and provide a useful tool for educators and administrators to identify and combat antisemitism.

Hoosiers who want to make their voices heard should email and call members of the Indiana House leadership and the House Education Committee and urge them to pass the legislation.

Sample email text:

Dear Representative [Last Name],

I am a member of the local community, writing to you concerning the fight against antisemitism and in support of HB 1002. The Indiana Jewish community strongly endorses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism and HB 1002. Given the alarming rise in antisemitic incidents in the past three months, taking a strong stand against antisemitism is more important than ever.

The IHRA working definition serves as an educational tool to aid educators and administrators who are responsible for identifying and combatting antisemitism. Thirty-six states, the U.S. Department of State, and over a thousand institutions globally, including nearly 50 Jewish organizations and institutions in Indiana, have endorsed this definition. By adopting this definition, Indiana aligns itself with a widely accepted standard across the country, promoting a unified stance against antisemitism.

HB 1002, which adds the IHRA definition to the education code, not the criminal code, is a critical step in this direction. Last year, an identical bill, HB 1037, received unanimous support in the House, and I hope that HB 1002 will garner the same level of support this year.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I urge you to support HB 1002, as I trust that your commitment to fostering an inclusive and safe community will guide your decision.


[Your Name]

Legislator contact info:

Speaker of the House Rep. Todd Huston (R)

Phone: 317-232-9677 Email:

House Education Committee –

Rep. Bob Behning (R-Chair) Phone: 317-232-9753 Email:

Rep. Michele Davis (R-Vice Chair) Phone: 317-232-9769 Email:

Rep. Martin Carbaugh (R) Phone: 317-232-0404 Email:

Rep. Becky Cash (R) Phone: 317-232-9643 Email:

Rep. Edward DeLaney (D) Phone: 317-234-9047 Email:

Rep. Chuck Goodrich (R) Phone: 317-234-0931 Email:

Rep. Jack Jordan (R) Phone: 317-232-9651 Email: