Calling All Innovators! Apply to Join the Combat Antisemitism Innovation Lab 2023 Cohort

Are you a social entrepreneur with a game changing idea that addresses the challenge of rising antisemitism? Apply now for the can’t-miss opportunity to join the Combat Antisemitism Innovation Lab 2023 cohort and receive a portion of a $50,000 seed funding pool.

In 2021 alone, the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) Information Hub tracked a total of 2,214 antisemitic incidents reported in the media, manifested in disturbing trends such as Covid-19 pandemic-related conspiracy theories, Holocaust trivialization, and Jew-hatred disguised as anti-Zionism. All of this has been fueled by online attacks, including the full spectrum of social media, online shopping, and search engines.

This is why CAM and B’nai B’rith International are inviting students, activists, community leaders, organization representatives, and other motivated individuals to share their ideas with us on how to counter today’s online bigotry with fresh approaches. Your initiative’s potential is limitless, you can educate mass audiences, promote person-to-person dialogue, foster interfaith and intercultural ties, create a unique campus or high school program, or engage previously unreached demographics.

For more information and to apply (the deadline is November 15), please visit:

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