Join our global fight against antisemitism. Our dedicated team works 24/7 to combat hate in cities, government, streets, and media. Donate now to make a difference.
active campaigns
Status: Active
CAM has launched the “Voices for Humanity” campaign, featuring the inspiring stories of four Muslim American women who are bravely taking a stand against extremism and violence while promoting tolerance and unity among peoples of all faiths and backgrounds.
Status: Active
On October 7th, 2023, Natalie Sanandaji went to celebrate life at the Nova music festival in southern Israel. What was to supposed to be an oasis of peace and love became hell on earth when a brutal massacre unfolded. Invite Natalie to speak at your event and tell her harrowing story.
Status: Active
Social work, in a unique position to celebrate differences while elevating the plight of all groups, has lost its moral compass. The frame of “oppressor vs oppressed” or narratives about “indigenous vs colonizer,” though designed to support and validate, are stoking division. The emphasis on the victim label is disempowering, promoting distrust. The credibility of the field is in jeopardy. We request review and modification of the worldview that currently girds social work practice, necessary in order to better train and service individuals from all ethnicities.